Look deeply within



Look Deeply Within logo4.jpg

My name is Henry Mikiewicz; and Stonegate is the place where I both work and dwell. I have an extensive background in the visual and industrial arts. I completed my formal design studies at The Vesper George School of Art in Boston (1977). With a decade of vocational study and over thirty years of professional practice and application, my work has encompassed a diverse range of disciplines, including but not limited to: typeface design, way-finding (signage), graphic design and industrial product development—That was then, this is now.

 “The most [profoundly] important art is that which requires no further explanation.”

I think of myself as a maker of markers—signposts providing a record or evidence of places I’ve been, events I’ve witnessed; and the preponderance of cultural and societal oddities I’ve observed. A visual journal of sorts. Mostly I travel the collective subconscious: a vault of intrigue; jungles lush with archetypes; parking lots filled with junked and abandoned cars sitting alongside stranded passengers; guts and glory; the promised land of peace, love and tranquility; the splendor, wrath and intricacies of nature. Truly an entropic journey. Metaphorically speaking, I follow the breadcrumbs; bits I’ve left behind while attempting to revisit and unlock the many mysteries I have encountered—How else to travel the far reaches of one’s own mind and hope to find a way back? I utilize a variety of mediums and materials: earthly made morsels, nature’s heirlooms, disassociated fragments, lost and found manufactured objects. All are transformed to create a symbolistic language whereupon objects become words; thus the building blocks of thought, truth, fable and allegory. I gently coax an intuitive juxtaposition of these objects, into a carefully defined space, along with an abundance of texture, a whisper of color and a poetic interweaving of anecdotal inference to create cascading and rhythmically dynamic imagery. This is my creative process and voice. It is a language that has taken over forty years to learn and to speak. It emanates from my spiritual center and the amusement park in my mind. I offer no warranties, remedies or cures; only a free ticket to ride the tilt-a-whirl and to dine on some delectable brain food.


Barrington New Hampshire

All work shown is for sale. Availability and prices furnished upon request.